Feeling the Weight

 Anxiety sneaks in and corners you when you least expect it. It can grip you in a stronghold you never thought you could be put in. The space that encloses you gets smaller and smaller until the person full of life that you are ends up in a deep depression caused by anxiety that's crept in and taken over your mind and your life. Noticing all the signs before it happens can be so hard. Once we get to this point is when we realize what has happened, some of us don't know why or how but eventually find out when that is the only option to climbing out of that dark place. Then you can begin the hard work of recovery and discover the liberation in overcoming such a battle. You will find freedom in knowing you can manage stress in your life that causes anxiety and fear. I've struggled with anxiety and panic attacks since I was very young. I've been deep in the pit of anxiety and depression many times in my life. One thing I always knew is that I had to get up and keep going... No matter what, not matter how painful, or how scared, I had to get back up and keep moving. So many days I had forced myself to just move, to eat, to shower, to speak, to smile. Though it hurt to smile, it gave me hope, though it hurt to move, it gave me strength. God has been my refuge through it all. Panic attacks are so physically and emotionally draining, it causes you to feel like giving up at times. God has given me the will to stop in those moments I felt I couldn't get through my day and reach out to him for strength. Trust in God that he will give you the strength to go that last mile, the peace you need to rest and the renewal of your mind and body everyday that you awake.

He renews my strength, he guides me along the right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
— Psalms 23:3-4