Forms of Loss & Healing

   There are many different forms of loss. It doesn't always mean losing someone by death. It can mean a break-up, a divorce, a move, etc.. No matter what the case, it's very hard to deal with and accept. I've lost 2 children, one through miscarriage and one at 4 months old. I've been divorced and had a terrible break-up, and I also felt a great loss when selling my salon and losing one of my homes after my divorce. I can tell you having experienced all these things, they are all extremely difficult changes to face and not one should be down played more than another. It's very important to reach out to others that are going through similar situations so you can have a healthy healing process. Support groups in your church or outside can help you cope and regain your strength. It's best when going through any loss to lower your stress by reducing your commitments and work loads so you can affectively go through the grieving process instead of avoiding the pain. After I miscarried my first child, I didn't grieve over it until years later, recently actually. I avoided the pain as much as possible and even kept it a secret for many years. It was very unhealthy, I wish I had opened up sooner about the pain I went through. We all have fears about opening up about our losses because not everyone shows compassion the way they should and we don't want to deal with anymore pain in those moments. Loss is such a personal thing, and finding the right support is vital to healing.