The Pros and Cons of Single Motherhood

   Being a single mom has challenges that only a single mother can fully understand. There is a stigma that comes along with being a single mom. Men are more likely to be admired and praised as single fathers than women are for being single mothers. As women we're faced with more challenges being a single parent for many reasons, to name a few... Heavy lifting, car maintenance, and home repair issues can make us feel completely helpless. The other problem that occurs with this is, if we hire or ask a man to help us, we face exposing our vulnerability. The reason this can be a problem for women is because we are more of a target to be taken advantage of. In a world where women should be honored, respected and cared for, in many cases they are treated the opposite. Unfortunate and a shame, but true. In any case, women are in a position as single mothers to be more on guard and protective of their hearts and their home. Another challenge we face is being in the work field. The expectations of a woman to care for her children tend to be far greater and we are given much less grace when situations arise where work is involved. It tends to be a double edged sword. As a full time working mom, there are times work has to suffer and times where work gets in the way of giving my children all of what they need from me. We are commonly judged either way. Finding the balance is difficult but extremely necessary. The other thing single mothers commonly struggle with is being viewed as someone with "baggage". Women not only have this stigma in the employment arena, but also in the dating arena. Men tend to be less likely to want to develop a serious relationship with a woman who has children than a woman interested in a man with children. Women tend to be natural nurturers and usually find it very attractive to see a man fathering children. Men tend to think more about how they'll fit into the equation with a woman with children, and how her children will affect their relationship and time together. An unselfish and secure man won't have this mentality. He will be thinking more about how to win the hearts of your children and how he can contribute to such a beautiful package as a leader in Christ. A Godly man will see your children as gifts, which is exactly how God biblically describes them and will feel honored to have the opportunity to obtain such gifts in his life.  The bible talks about how we are gifts God has given to Christ as his followers and he is our perfect example of how children should be viewed and treated. Ephesians 1:5 "He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will."

   Along with the struggles of being a single mom, there are also a lot of positives...

  1. Our Children Build Strength and Character ~ As hard as it is to think about, our children have gone through a lot of emotions and pain going through the process of having their parents split and dealing with all the new adjustments in life that come with that. However, going through these difficult times in their lives can be very maturing for them. Long term, in many cases this builds character in a child and teaches them better how to deal with change throughout life.
  2. We Create an Unbreakable Bond ~ Going through difficult times with our children can be very bonding, growing and healing together is such a powerful thing. Using your pain to help encourage and empower your children is what they need. 
  3. Breaking Cycles of the Past ~ We have the freedom in raising and teaching our children in the healthiest way we see fit. We get to break cycles that need to be broken and create a healthy environment for them to learn and grow in that they may not have otherwise had before becoming a single parent or that they may not have at their father's.
  4. Creating New Friendships ~ Being a single mom helps us embrace other single moms and we get to create amazing life long friendships when we reach out and connect with others. The support we give and get from each other as single moms is such a blessing, and gives us strength and hope.

   Being the strong women that we are, it's important for us not to be afraid to ask for help. As much as we like to do it on our own, there are times we can feel defeated and need that support to help get us through. It's very important to choose healthy people for support. Stay away from people you feel could be trying to take advantage of you in a vulnerable state or who drain you of the precious energy you need. Allowing unhealthy or unsafe people into your circle can make things a lot more stressful and difficult to manage your already full plate. Another important thing to remember is to not over commit yourself, especially if you're a newly single mother. Don't be afraid to say NO or say you need time to think it over when approached to take something on. You want to give yourself more space to manage your life as a single mom, you don't want to limit your space and create more tension for you and your children. Embrace the circumstances and find joy in growing and strengthening your family. 

I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them. I will say “These are my people” and they will say “The Lord is our God”.
— Zechariah 13:9

Dating Again as a Single Mom

   Hi Ladies! I'm going to share with you some very important signs to look out for as you begin the dating process as a single mom. As survivors of abusive relationships, we tend to naturally gravitate towards abusive men since as humans, we are attracted to familiarity. I name a few of these signs to watch out for in my video, but here are some more to caution yourself...

  • A man that's critical of you.. Example: Puts down the way you dress, eat your food, do your hair, wear your make-up, etc..
  • Doesn't respect the time you need to give to your children... or yourself.
  • A man that tries to dictate your schedule to accommodate him (if you're into him, you will change your own schedule to be with him, he shouldn't have anything to do with it.)
  • He gets easily agitated when you don't return his call in a timely manner or text him back right away.
  • He wants to move too quickly and puts pressure on you for not "giving it up" or wanting to move as quickly as he does.
  • Constantly tells you what his expectations are without being interested in your needs or desires.
  • Raises his voice at you or uses profanity towards you.
  • He speaks with aggression and hostility about his ex.

   If a man is showing these signs from the beginning of a relationship... RUN! Chances are very likely it will only get worse with time and the last thing you want is to live through another abusive relationship. A man that wants to pursue dating you should be patient and respectful of your time with your children and desire to help take pressure off of you versus putting pressure on you. If you share custody with your children's father, think about taking a night to yourself as well. It's really important to get that alone time to recoup and recharge your mind. We really need that in order to make clear decisions in our personal lives, especially after a hectic week with kids. You will be surprised when you first start dating again, how many men you may attract that are very similar to your ex, or to someone that's been abusive to you in your past. It's almost like we have a target on our back. So be very aware of that and don't ignore the signs or try to excuse them. I've struggled with this myself in dating, where I will hold on and hope to see a change. The longer I held on, the harder it was for me to break things off and then I thank God I did when I look back. So don't waste your time in a situation like that when you know in your heart it's not healthy. Staying pure is even more important for us who have been in abusive relationships. We tend to be very sensitive and compassionate women and that's why we tend to tolerate more than most, and when you open that door of intimacy too early, it can be detrimental to our discernment. Protect yourself and protect your heart!

Above all else, guard your heart, for the springs of life flow from it
— Proverbs 4:23

Please comment below with any thoughts or questions...

A Day in My Life with 3 Boys

   In the midst of the chaos and limited resources, my day can get pretty stressful. I can't count how many nights I've put my kids to bed, gone in my room and cried myself to sleep. Being a single mom of 3 strong minded and energetic boys is TOUGH, to say the least. I cook, clean, run around for different sports all week, work full time and volunteer at my kids' school, all while playing mediator and referee. And yes, I do it alone, no partner to pick up the slack or take over when I'm exhausted. I have to keep moving no matter what. Today, my son was suspended from school. For what? Well, for standing up to a kid that's been pushing him and his brothers around for the past year. One thing about my boys, if you mess with one, you' re messing with the whole pack. And if you mess with their mama, watch out! Lately, I've been more impatient than I normally am with my boys and I've had to apologize for yelling at them, which I rarely have done. So after getting them back from their Father's this past weekend, I wanted to love on them and show them just how proud I am of them. I am extremely blessed with very intelligent and warm hearted children, with pretty impressive senses of humor! So at the end of the day, no matter how frustrated and drained I am from slaving after my babies, that warm hug I get, kiss on my face and the sound of their sweet little prayers is more than enough to remind me of why I will self sacrifice the rest of my life for the blessings God has given me. Now back to my son being suspended. The story is, a kid at school cornered my youngest son and started bullying him on the playground, so my twins (the big brothers) stepped in to have a conversation with this kid after my youngest went and told them about the incident. I was very proud of how they verbalized themselves in expressing their discontent with this child. However, this child (the bully) as usual, began pushing my older son and escalated into my son pushing him back and threatening to beat him up. My children are very aware of the consequences of making a threat. But can't a person only take so much?

So I've decided, instead of putting my son on restriction for getting suspended from school (which is his first time ever), and taking away all of his privileges which is what I would usually do. We are going to celebrate his first time getting suspended! I'm not going to tell him that's what we're doing, but I'm going to have an eventful day with my son on his day off and tell him just how proud I am of him being the amazing person that he is.

Leaving the Legacy Behind

   I've talked with many parents about what's most important to them in raising their children and most parents tell me it's teaching and discipline. Many others tell me what they can provide for their children is, such as shelter and a good college education. I think most parents, including myself get so wrapped up in what we can provide for our children and how we can best teach them, which are vital roles as a parent, however forgetting really what the MOST important thing is to them. They don't really care how many toys we can buy for them or how much money we make, and though teaching and discipline are extremely important, they don't respect it unless we do what is MOST important in their lives... That is TIME we spend with them. Children want our time more than anything else. If we haven't established an emotional foundation with our children, everything else falls to the wayside. I've known many families that believed building a financial empire or legacy for their children would result in confident and secure adults one day. I've also known families that believe firm structure and a rigid schedule will do the same. These are lies and a misconception. Many mothers and fathers sacrifice time with their children due to this very destructive belief system. There are of course times in a family' s lives where sacrifices may have to be made and certain situations are out of our control. However, believing the lie that our children will benefit long term from sacrificing time with them for more money or things that are only the flesh's desires to obtain above and beyond our needs is only a delusion.

Calming the Storm

   There are times with my 3 boys that I feel like pulling my hair out! I sometimes have to allow the screaming for a moment and close my eyes and pray for patience. I have realized that screaming over them and yelling back does absolutely nothing but bring more chaos. The more calm and collected I am, the more calm they become. Once I start talking to them about the problem and addressing the issue instead of throwing my hands up and leaving them to their own destruction, they realize that they can talk it through and find a solution and become interested in doing so. Children crave conflict resolution. They need us to teach them. When we discuss solutions with our children about the problems they are facing, they feel cared for, they feel heard, they feel they can depend on us to guide them, and then they gain confidence in making the right decisions in difficult situations. So don't shut down and don't give up. Pull up a seat with your kids and have a calm and productive talk about the issues at hand.